Student loan debt is a major concern for many Americans and many are looking to their employers for help. Find out what Student Loan Refinancing is, how it can help save your employees thousands on their student loan debt, and the benefits of partnering with Laurel Road.
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Laurel Road is a digital banking platform and brand of KeyBank that provides tailored solutions to support the financial wellbeing of healthcare and business professionals. Laurel Road’s banking and lending solutions include Student Loan Refinancing, Mortgages, Personal Loans, Student Loan Cashback Credit Card, tailored savings accounts, and more.
Since 2013, Laurel Road has helped thousands of professionals with undergraduate and postgraduate degrees consolidate and refinance more than $9 billion in federal and private school loans. In April 2019, Laurel Road became part of KeyBank, one of the nation’s largest bank-based financial services companies and Member FDIC.